- Vinyl tracklist
- Side 1
- A01 John Schlitt of Petra on "Financial accountability" (40 sec.)
- A02 Bob Hartman of Petra on "Blessing others with our blessings" (15 sec.)
- A03 Don Nalle of Glad on the song "Dare To Love" from the album "Who Do You Love" (Greentree) (20 sec.)
- A04 Don Nalle of Glad on "A child from Kenya is part of our family" (25 sec.)
- A05 Phil Madeira on "A letter from Manjula, our sponsored child in India" (55 sec.)
- A06 Phil Madeira on "There is nothing like the love of a child" (45 sec.)
- A07 Phil Madeira on the song "The Call Of The Master" from the album "Citizen Of Heaven" (Refuge) (20 sec.)
- A08 Geoff Moore on "You can change the world for one needy child" (10 sec.)
- A09 Geoff Moore on going "Over The Edge" from the album "The Distance" (Power Discs) (35 sec.)
- A10 Geoff Moore on going "The Distance" from the album "The Distance" (Power Discs) (45 sec.)
- Side 2
- B01 Pete Carlson on the song "Show Me" from the album "Child Of The Heavenly" (DaySpring) (55 sec.)
- B02 Sheila Walsh on "God Put A Fighter In Me" from the album "Triumph In The Air" (Sparrow) (30 sec.)
- B03 Sheila Walsh on the song "What Do You Know That I Don't" from the album "Shadowlands" (Myrrh) (35 sec.)
- B04 Rob Frazier on the song "This Town" from the album "This Town" (Light) (50 sec.)
- B05 Rob Frazier on "In America we have millions of choices" (30 sec.)
- B06 Rob Frazier on "It's The Heart That Matters" from the album "This Town" (30 sec.)
- B07 Robin Crow on the song "Let The Truth Come Out" from the album "Seven Seventy-Seven" (Fortress) (50 sec.)
- B08 Robin Crow on "Changing the world" (10 sec.)
- B09 Bobby Michaels on the song "Seek The Blesser, Not The Blessing" from the album "I Have A Reason" (Word) (40 sec.)
- B10 Bobby Michaels on "How would you like to change history?" (60 sec.)
- Release
- No year (probably 1987)
- Compassion International 242310 (engraved in matrix)
- Produced by LaReau Anderson and Steve Rabey for Compassion International
- w/ cover