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01 Standing On The Promises
Words and music: R. Kelso Carter (1849-1922)

I'm standing, I'm standing
Standing on the promises of God
Standing on the promises of Christ, my King
Through eternal ages let His praises ring
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing
Standing on the promises of God

Standing, I'm standing
Standing on the promises of God my Saviour
Standing, I'm standing on the promises of God

Standing on the promises that cannot fail
When howling storms of doubt and fear assail
By the living word of God I shall prevail
Standing on the promises of God

Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord
Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord
Overcoming daily by the Spirit's sword
Standing on the promises of God

Standing on His promises I cannot fall
Listening every moment to the Spirit's call
Resting in my Saviour as my all in all
Standing on the promises of God

Standing on the promise of His living word
Formed within my heart so that it can be heard
So that when I hear His voice I will be stirred
To keep standing on the promises of God

Yes, I keep standing, I'm standing
Standing on the promises of God my Saviour
Standing, I'm standing, standing on the promise
Standing on the promise, standing on the promise of God
02 Haven Of Rest
Words and music: Henry L. Gilmour (1837-1920)

My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea
So burdened with sin and distrest
Till I heard a voice saying, "Make Me your choice,"
And I entered the haven of rest

I've anchored my soul in the haven of rest
I'll sail the wide seas no more
The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep
But in Jesus I'm safe evermore

I yielded myself to His tender embrace
And faith taking hold of His word
My fetters fell off and I anchored my soul:
The haven of rest is my Lord

Oh, come to the Saviour, He patiently waits
To save by His power divine
Come, anchor your soul in the haven of rest
And say, "My Beloved is mine."

The tempest may sweep o'er the wild stormy deep
But in Jesus I'm safe evermore
But in Jesus I'm safe evermore
But in Jesus I'm safe evermore
I'm safe in Jesus, yes I am
03 The Cross Leads Home
Words and music: Jessie Brown Pounds (1861-1921)

I must go home by the way of the cross
There is no other way but this
I shall never get sight of the gates of light
If the way of the cross I miss

Daily I must follow and I must confess
You provided only one way and the way of the cross is it
The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home
It's sweet to know as I onward go
The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home
It's sweet to konw as I onward go
The way of the cross leads home... the way of the cross

I must go on in the blood sprinkled way
The path that the Saviour trod
And if I ever climb to the heights sublime
Where the soul is at home with God

I will bid farewell to the way of the world
To walk in it never more
For my Lord says, "Come" and I seek my home
Where He waits at the door

The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home
It's sweet to know as I onward go
The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home

(Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly host)
The way of the cross leads home

(Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost)
The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home, leads home
04 Breathe On Me
Words and music: Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)

Holy Spirit, breathe on me
Until my heart is clean and no darkness can be seen
Holy Spirit, breathe on me
My stubborn will subdue, what would you have me do?

Breathe on me, breathe on me, Holy Spirit, set me free
Holy Spirit, breathe on me
Take my heart, cleanse every part
Spirit, breathe on me

Holy Spirit, breathe on me
Fill me with power divine, within this heart of mine
Holy Spirit, breathe on me
For I am Thine alone, Thy blood for me atoned
05 The Lower Lights
Words and music: Phillip P. Bliss (1838-1876)

Thank You, my Lord, God and King for sending Your daughter, Barbara, to pull this sailor out!

Brightly beams our Father's mercy
From His lighthouse evermore
But to us He gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore

Let the lower lights be burning
Send a gleam across the wave
Some poor, fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save

Dark the night of sin has settled
Loud the angry billows roar
Eager eyes are watching, longing
For the lights along the shore

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother
Some poor sailor tempest tossed
Trying now to make the harbour
In the darkness may be lost
06 Let The Victors In
Word and music: Henry Alford (1810-1871)

What a glorious day we live in, as all creation waits
Through many wail and travail, it's for heaven's sake
For it's the blood of Jesus that delivers us from sin
And manifests the Son of God, His righteousness within

Ten thousand time ten thousand
In sparkling raiment bright
The armies of the ransomed saints
Throng up the steeps of light
Tis finished, all is finished, their fight with death and sin
Fling open wide the golden gates and let the victors in
Let the victors in, let the victors in
They've paid the price to walk it right
So let the victors in
Let the victors in, let the victors in
They've paid the price to walk it right
So let the victors in

What a rush of hallelujahs fill the earth and sky
What a ringing of a thousand harps bespeaks the triumph nigh
O day, for which creation and all its tribes were made
O joy, for all its former woes a thousandfold repaid
07 My Saviour Leads Me
Words and music: Fanny J. Crossby (1820-1915)

All the way my Saviour leads me
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy
Who thro' life has been my Guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort
Here by faith with Him to dwell
For I know what e'er befalls me
Jesus doeth all things well
Jesus doeth all things well

All the way my Saviour leads me
Cheers each winding path I trod
Gives me grace for every trial
Feeds me with the living bread
Tho' my weary steps may falter
And my soul athirst may be
Gushing from the rock before me
Lo! A spring of joy I see
Lo! A spring of joy I see

All the way my Saviour leads me
Oh the fulness of His love
Perfect rest to me is promised
In my Father's house above
When my spirit, clothed immortal
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages
Jesus led me all the way
When my spirit, clothed immortal
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages
Jesus led me all the way
Jesus led me all the way
Jesus led me all the way
08 Jesus Is... The Joy Of Living
Words and music: Alfred H. Ackley (1887)

Jesus is... the joy of living, He's the King of life to me
Unto Him my all I'm giving, His forevermore to be
I will do what He commands me
Anywhere He leads, I'll go
Jesus is... the joy of living
He's the dearest Friend I know

I have found a wonderous Saviour
Jesus Christ, the soul's delight
Every blessing of His favour
Fills my heart with hope so bright
Life is growing rich with beauty
Toil has lost its weary strain
Now a halo crowns each duty
And I sing a glad refrain
You ask why? I say...

Heavenly wisdom He provides me
Grace to keep my spirit free
In His own sweet way He guides me
When the path I cannot see
O what splendour, o what glory
O what matchless power divine
Is the Christ of Gospel story
Christ, the Saviour who is mine
09 We've A Story To Tell
Words and music: Ernest Nichol (1862-1926)

We've a story to tell to the nations
That will turn their heart to the right
A story of truth, a story of mercy
A story of peace and light, a story of peace and light

For the darkness shall turn to the dawning
And the dawning to the noonday bright
Christ's great kingdom shall come on earth
The kingdom of love and light
The kingdom of love and light

We've a song to sing to the nations
That will lift their heart to the Lord
A song that shall conquer all evil
And shatter the spear and the sword
And shatter the spear and the sword

We've a Saviour to show to the nations
Who the path of sorrow hath trod
That all of the world's great peoples
May come to the knowledge of God
May come to the knowledge of God

Christ's great kingdom shall come on earth
The kingdom of love and light
The kingdom of love and light
The kingdom of love, the kingdom of light
10 Send Me
Words and music: Daniel March (1816-1909)

Hark, the voice of Jesus calling
"Who will go and work today?
Fields are white, harvests waiting
Who will bear the sheaves away?"
Loud and long the Master calleth
Rich reward He offers free
Who will answer, gladly saying
"Here I am, o Lord, send me?"

Send me, send me, here am I, o Lord, send me
Send me, send me, here am I, o Lord, send me

If you cannot cross the ocean
And the heathen lands explore
You can find the heathen nearer
You can help them at your door
Jesus gave His life for sinners
Gave His life for you and me
Will you give your life for others
And reply "O Lord, send me?"

Let none hear you idly saying
"There is nothing I can do"
While the souls of men are dying
And the Master calls to you
Take the task He gives you gladly
Let His work your pleasure be
Answer quickly when He calleth
"Here am I, o Lord, send me!"